DORSET GOES VINTAGE has vintage market type stall trading opportunities within the VDUB AT THE PUB festival weekend.
There are 2 options for trading:
1. Stall for full weekend trading 18th - 20th August. This is a trade stand within the main market of the event for the full duration of the festival and includes and full mix of traders (not just vintage).
2.Hot food takeaway. This is for a full weekend trading for specialist hot food traders only.
If you would like to apply to trade please click the 'Apply to Trade' button below - you will be transferred to the traders page on the Vdub at the Pub website where all details and application forms are.
Outline of Market
This is a festival event market as part of the 'Vdub at the Pub' festival - Vintage Saturday, is the day that the cycle ride take place but the event opens on Friday afternoon and closes Sunday evening.
Standard pitches are 6m x 6m, which must include your car or van. You can book multiples.
Traders cannot sell illegal goods, alcohol.
Basic Event Information
Dates: 18th - 20th August 2023
Location: Julians Bridge, Wimborne, Dorset - follow 'Vdub at the Pub' festival signs
Time: Set up Fri 18th 8am - 1pm, Sat 19th 7am - 9am,
Trade: Fri 18th 1pm - 9pm, Sat 19th 9am - 6pm, Sun 20th 9am - 5pm.
Dorset Goes Vintage is a theme part of the already well established VDUB At The PUB festival which is a family-friendly, Volkswagen and music event that has been established since 2008. The show is a proud supporter of the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance and has raised over £10,000 to date. There are trade stalls, live music acts, a Show & Shine competition and entertainment for our visitors.
We accept payment online after your application has been approved.
Please email if you have any questions.